2:00 AM: Woken up by 3 loud teenagers in the basement and immediately thought I would like to ride my bike on the Treherne marathon course and count each and every hill. That way I can mentally mark them off as I tackle each one come race day. Wonder why being woken up by those girls made me think that.
6:45AM: Should go do weights but I have those teenagers in the basement to feed so have to make pancakes instead. Drink 1 cup of earl grey tea. Eat yogurt concoction.
10:00AM: Suck back a large 1/2 cap1/2 black coffee. Bike down to Portage Ave for 35 min. Getting on the seat again hurts my butt from a few days ago and my quads are a bit sore ( not bad though). Exchanged my compression leg sleeves for a smaller size. I am adding a little plug for City Park Runners who have been very helpful. Afterwards did weights at the gym and added 5 Lbs to some of them. I don't like working that hard and I really hope the lady at the desk doesn't come and ask me if I am ok again.
1:00 PM: Ate 2 hard boiled eggs, hummus and crackers and a handful of carrots. Thinking if I run around the outdoor track 80 times it would equal 20 miles and wondering if I am crazy enough to do that some day. Also wondering if I am going to be around for Sunday's long run, and if not then I should start thinking about doing it Saturday. Family life can put a dent in your long run plans.
3PM: 1 cup of tea. Oh, and up till now I drank probably 3 bottles of water. I am hydrating. You can't start this in the last week because you'll just pee it out, that is why you should start at least 3 weeks ahead of time. At least, thats what I was told once.
7:30PM: Mucho pressure from the B Man to go to the lake tonight which would mean missing my long run. "Blow it off" he says. Ummm, like I need to get a 20 mile in this weekend or else I'm screwed. I can't believe he just said that! Phoned B & N to see if they might be up for a 4 am run tomorrow. had a carbo supper and am feeling sluggish. I'm going to bed.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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